Obscure Intent

Look into my eyes and tell me what you see:
An elated openness?
An eager yearning?
The disposition of my inward substance is learning…
to disclose the epitome of me.
Is my intent ambiguous?
Or my feelings merely obsolete?
The expression of the love I have come to know one can only wish to grow.
To evolve and revolutionize.
Or, am I setting myself up for a somber demise?
At times, I feel as though I may have stumbled upon a pleasant surprise…
While others?
I wish to hide…
enamored in full disguise.
Self exile,
wanting to exhale,
hoping that in the process,
the ex’s will somehow fail…
or better yet,
not come to pass.
For in my heart there lives this thing called love,
with intensity quite vast.
"Too fast." you reveal?
My rebuttal…
"What I feel is REAL."
Even still,
this feeling that I now know,
only resides here…
In my heart.
Close, but even further apart...
Well at least that’s a start.
Because in order to win, it must first begin, and then…
only time, improvement, and discovery is when…
the once obscure intent can culminate into whatever is meant…
while in the process, I am emotionally spent.
My feelings have yet to relent...
or better yet, circumvent
allowing whatever is meant.
To be.
Only time will tell…
And in the meanwhile,
there remains You, Me, and many possibilities...

Copyright © 2009 Rayne

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Rayne Writes

Rayne Writes