I Have Arrived... 1st Poetry Piece

Having NEVER written a poetry piece, this is what my mind conjured up just now:

When I think of my king,
I see you.
It's in the way you touch me,
The way you caress me,
The way you nurture me,
The way you love me,
Not on the basis of promise,
rather, the fulfilment of honest.
When I think of my king,
I think of you.
And then there's me.
Like no other.
In full attire,
elegance conspicuous,
intelligence by definition...
the epitome of a queen, you've found it in me.
My substance.
Not in the sway of my hips,
nor the touch of my lips,
but in my ability to make love to your mind ravenously,
your spirit succulently,
your soul substantially...
It's you my king that I see.
But it is my vow,
to never cease;
undying faith,
as I wait for you...patiently.
When I think of you my king,
I envision me.
And then subsequently,
I see WE.
The distinguished duo?
For the world to see...

Copyright © 2008

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Rayne Writes

Rayne Writes