Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About

You won't fight for Obama and change, but you combat warfare daily on the streets in sheer pain?
Glorifying guns, while they defecate all over our young sons.
The babies can flawlessly recite the lyrics to every song,
but when asked to read a book, they fall silent...the look of dumb!
Infiltrating these young minds, with the repetition of the lyrics they chant,
and you tell them to go to school, the sad excuse given is "I Can't."
You continue to be played for the fool, while our youth constantly drop out of school.
You'd rather have street smarts?
Define it!
Not in Ebonics terms, or are you illiterate? Incapable of constructing a standard sentence.
My heart aches at the revelation of our destiny.
Sitting here with this paper and pen, giving you knowledge on the importance of college, as you remain there listless, remote in hand?
Oh so conspicuous.

You'd rather make love in the club?
Well, wake up!
They are raping our youth!
Compelling them to take the easy way out, dreams of fast money, jobs instead of careers, Bryman College?
Let me school you on some real knowledge.
Put down the bottle and the blunt which enslaves us, pick up your paper and pen, captivate them, and blow out something dangerous.
They spoon you lies, while I feast my eyes on the prize, my struggle and strife is all worthwhile...in immeasurable size.
Accept nothing but the best, that's my constant conquest.
I fear no man but God, Allah, Yahwe. And you can't even fall to your knees and pray! Contradicting yourself while praising man made laws.
Abide? Never. Not to these repulsive flaws.
The influx of fallacious.
You copulate their fables, while they torture us, puncture us, bestialize and taunt at us.
Leaving us bruised, broken, and tarnished.

Stop laboring their empires, building their dreams, paying you pennies on the dollar, well guess what: multi-billions is what their earnings bequeaths.
You say that I'm the exception?
No, I repel stupidity while it's you that's brainwashed.
As their toxins seethe through your brain, tell me who's the one to blame.
Trillion dollar deficit?
Can't fault Bush, or even his followers.
It's you who failed to cast the ballot, putting an end to this malice.
Because for you, just about anything will suffice.
You better start thinking twice, Christ paid the price.
Blood seeping, while we stay weeping; saddened by the tolerance of our people amid this mess...
Who is the man behind my brothers keeping?

Switching from biology to English, I rather write a thesis than to study metaphysics.
Science vs Religion?
I give insight and speak knowledge, that I'm sure most of you won't even bother to acknowledge.
Birthed by my spirit, soaked in nothing but truth.
Which I'm sure you can clearly see, for in my actions, I am living proof.
Give us back our independence, rightful thrones.
Your tenure is over, our life has just begun.

Let's give them something to talk about.

I was nervous as ever, and dead tired after lack of sleep, but I did it. I am so proud of myself. Facing my fears head on each day...I've added another stepping stone! ..

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