
Combating this feeling of love…
A battle which derives from thoughts which she can’t quite divulge…
Because, while adamant that she has no clue of what’s in store,
what she detects is the chemistry that’s constantly evoked,
and her yielding to the intense desire of wanting more.
They’ve managed to contrive a compound deciphering a new basic element of life…
H2One of which can never be attained twice.
Although she could never suffice her value for the feelings that she feels,
fervent thoughts and emphatic emotions ignites a seething fire…
one that rages insatiably.
Her feelings are revealed through intimacy, exposing the truth of her inner being.
A vulnerable child who conceals herself.
Away with the key, never to be found…
Out of fear.
Why then can’t she discern what’s real?
Or faux.
Maybe it’s best that she remains invisible… ghost.
Because, the cost may be too much to pay.
And If it is so, why it is that she continues to play...
with fire?
She repulses liars, empty desires, and dangerous admirers,
so, reiterate once more then, why she settles for this uncertain feeling of which disappointment is bound to transpire?

Copyright © 2009 Rayne

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