Truth. Unspoken.

It is you who resides in a non-verbal world
The one that was once apart of my used-to-be, former life
The one of strife, empty promises, and sad goodbyes
I try to remain patient and humble, while you seem content having me in this limbo
Honestly, do you think it’s that simple?
Admittedly, the intimacy is remarkably amazing…
so you question then what’s missing? The fruition of something called an interpersonal relationship
Dictation: the removal of short-lived physicality
and replenished with the longevity of abundant substance... in all actuality
Nourished with time, energy, and understanding,
it then cultivates into tangible communication.
Not left to ascertain unknown obscurities
which in turn alludes to the many insecurities and theories of conspiracies.
Quite simple,
yet still, the succession requires two
Become aware that none can attain the caliber of being me
You see,
the jewel before you never settles…for less; only the best
And the rest?
Omit the lies, games, and B.S, and give me You
Full Throttle
Not the pre-existing Red Bull
Break the charade of silence, and speak volumes
Damn the proud, pompous, egotistical
Divulge yourself to a bonafide woman that's Sublime
She that is situated
atop a diamond mine
Having since spoken.
In my own words, infused with reigning emotion, it is now your turn to speak.
Openly Allow me to hear your voice No longer aloof, reveal to me the unspoken truth...

Copyright © 2009 Rayne

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Rayne Writes

Rayne Writes