He Disclosed

That he possessed the ability to reach me
Why me?
You were never my type
stereotypical, easy on the eyes, ladies man didn’t awe me to look twice
why send harmonic vibes?
My vice?
His beauty, luster, and presence was strikingly nice.
fleshly desire that all ladies love to admire.
But it was he that possessed the power…to a mythical degree΅
his pedigree?
Was one that all women could agree…unanimously
It was he that we all wished, desired, and fantasized to be as WE
So tell me.
Why use it one me?
I was never your “type”, initially stereotyped until you came to the realization that I was “the prototype” which compelled you to think twice
We both discovered that our initial inclinations were incorrect. Both per-fect-ly, im-per-fect
But as you stated.
"It was time,
And a Blessing

Far from perfection, just heed the lesson, while we keep them guessing...with mental cues
Funny thing is they have NO clue
Nor can they fathom the degree that your te-le-path-y possessed to capture me
In the eyes, is where everything lied. Hoping they aren’t mere lies I wish to never despise.
No dismal surprises or upsetting discoveries, just learn me, teach me, and continually reach me---spiritually---mentally---physically---tel-e-pathic-al-ly

Copyright © 2009 Rayne

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Rayne Writes

Rayne Writes