The Heart

Most valued;
“Upon this rock I will build My church,”
He declared.
And upon His rock He ordained this church.
His rock,
His rib,

in love;
with care.
No fault,
or blemish,
just purely…
the heart of it.

Deeply rooted;
the vine bringing forth fruit,
of the Spirit;
the heart that is in it.
Abiding in Him,
and He in them,
to produce works…
Greater than these.
He is well-pleased.
Not seeing how man sees,
He favors the heart…
Of it all.
And them all.
“Go and possess the land” He decrees.
in prosperity,
so you can See…
that which I prepared
for them who love me.
Whole heartedly.

I have given you My ministry;
established you,
appointed you,
it is My oil that anointed you;
shepherd over My people,
I entrusted you.
Because My eyes,
have Seen,
My ears have Heard,
your true worship;
My Spirit
residing in
My truth
is that which dwells beneath
The Heart of it all

Written and Ministered in Spoken Word for Triumphant Worship Center's *Fairfield, CA 2nd year church anniversary celebration

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